
It happened before.
It’s happening again now.
The yellows are too desperate to reclaim power they will stop at nothing and resort to everything just to bring this government down.
Rallies did not work, calls to oust the President ended in failure, so did the truth twisting and manipulation of mainstream media outlets, and their funding of terrorists. Now they are going back to the most insidiously destructive weapon in their arsenal – sabotage.
Korean Jee Ick Joo’s murder in 2016 succeeded in temporarily suspending and upsetting the momentum of Oplan Tokhang. It likewise put the entire PNP in a very bad light, given that cops are at the forefront of the government’s war against drugs.
The strategy is simple. You cast doubts on the integrity of the police, and the whole campaign suffers. We have to admit, it’s a pretty effective strategy. So they did it again.
They engineered the murder of Kian De los Santos to make it appear as if innocent kids are being killed wantonly by the cops. And now Carl Arnaiz’s death points to the exact same pattern as the two previous tragedies.
Honestly, this shit isn’t going to stop.
They’re gonna keep on doing it until they run out of funds and crooked cops to co-opt. Something that will never happen. Not in our wildest dreams.
So what must be done? A few things:
Demonstrate. Justice has to be swift when it comes to dealing with erring cops. These bastards have to be taught a harsh lesson. Do not fuck with this government. Or this government will find a hundred and one ways to fuck you up pretty good. And when that happens, there is simply no way to undo what happens to you. There has to be an absolute guarantee that you stay fucked for as long as you draw breath in this earth. And the biggest regret you will have as you live your miserable tortured life is allowing yourself to be used and corrupted by the yellows.
Instill discipline among the general populace. These things mostly happen at night, in the cover of darkness. A curfew has to be implemented nationwide. And everyone who refuses to comply must either be jailed or heavily penalized. If you see kids roaming the streets at night during curfew hours, incarcerate the guardians/parents.
Bato should stop crying in public. We get it - the guy has a soft spot, but tears will not bring back the dead or prevent crooked cops from doing this again. These saboteurs must be taught their lesson using only one language – that which is not verbally transmitted.
Body cameras must be an imperative in all legitimate police operations. This will prevent incidences of overkill, planting of evidences and contraband theft. Cops who refuse must not be given clearance to proceed.
One thing is absolutely necessary for all of the above to succeed – political will. There has to be no double standards when it comes to erring cops. There has to be no mercy for those who violate protocol or curfew regulations.
Finally, implement the adopt-an-addict scheme for those who are openly criticizing the government’s anti-drug campaign. Round up the addicts, those who surrendered, and send them to the houses of those who cry for the human rights of these reprobates. Send them to Risa’s house, and to Etta’s, to Leni’s penthouse at Lansbergh Place, to Noynoy’s at Times Street, send them in droves to all their partymates and all the sympathizing hypocrites out there.
They don’t want these fuckers dying? Then they should put their money where their mouths are and keep these druggies well taken care of and protected within the confines of their homes. No rehabilitation centers, just ten addicts for each person who has the gall to openly criticize the government for dealing with the drug menace.
Then we could all live in peace and harmony.